Missing tooth? Why Try Dental Implants
There are many different types of dental prosthetics one can choose when missing teeth. The type of prosthetic depends on how many teeth are missing or what your general dental needs are. Some may choose dentures if they’re missing a lot of teeth, others may choose a bridge if they’re missing several teeth in between healthy, and some may choose crown to cover a damaged part of the tooth. The best thing about dental implants is that they are useful for most dental situations where a tooth is missing and needs to be replaced. It has many advantages over its prosthesis peers and can be more cost effective due to positive intrinsic characteristics.
Dental implants are known for durability, natural look, feel and sound, and for blending in so well with other healthy teeth. Implants are done through a special process that binds outside material to your jawbone. This process happens naturally as the material is made in such a way that the body won’t reject it. The porcelain or composite tooth or teeth is placed atop the outside material. Dental implants have a well-known history of being reliable, durable and predictable. Predictability allows for dentists to anticipate any issues that may transpire while you have your implants installed. Many problems associated with implants are already well known by dentists, so it is unlikely that something would go terribly wrong.
Missing teeth can cause different physical issues. One such is it causes facial skin to look sunken in and saggy. It makes it more difficult to talk as teeth, along with the tongue helps us communicate with each other. There’s also the social stigma of missing teeth that can make one feel uncomfortable and unwilling to interact with others. Implants can fix these issues. You may be wondering why use dental implants instead of dentures? Dentures are the most well-known prosthesis for those missing lots of or all their teeth. Well, dentures are high maintenance. They need to be cleaned frequently, typically by taking them out and putting them in a special solution. They tend to move around when eating and talking unless you use the right dental adhesive. They can slip out of the mouth if the adhesive isn’t applied properly or if too much friction or force is used. What about dental plates?
Dental plates are a worse solution than dentures in so much that it can damage healthy teeth. However, plates are typically used when you have a decent number of healthy teeth and missing teeth. Sometimes when using dental plates, they damage healthy teeth. It does this by causing teeth to grind. Grinding aggravates the joints in the lower jaw. It can wear down enamel, resulting in sensitivity or a broken or chipped tooth. The other deficit is getting particles trapped under the dental plate. This can be very uncomfortable and will require removing the plate to clean it. This isn’t the only time a dental plate will have to be cleaned. They require regular cleaning like dentures. In addition, it is important to remove the dental plate once a day to let your gums breathe. Doing this avoids discomfort and gum irritation.
Implants avoid a lot of the aforementioned issues. Because implants are literally installed in the bone of your jaw, you never have to worry about unplanned movement. Dental implants have to be cleaned every day like dental plates and dentures; however, it can be cleaned like your normal teeth. Brushing and flossing twice a day, along with your regular teeth, is enough to clean implants. In addition to being stationary and easy to clean, implants are durable. They can last for years without needing re-adjustments. If needed, implants can be installed alongside a dental plate and treated as your normal teeth. Because of low maintenance and its long-lasting nature, dental implants cost less overtime than dentures and, in some cases, dental plates.
Overall, you really can’t go wrong with a dental plate. If you only need one or two teeth replaced, it’s perfect as they can be installed one at a time. If you’re looking to install dental implants, consult your dentists to see if it would be right for you.