How can laser surgery be gentle and non-invasive, you ask?
A laser seals blood vessels and nerve endings while cutting away diseased tissues so there is no bleeding or pain associated with the procedure. A laser also kills bacteria around the surgical area, thereby minimizing the risk of infection and leaving healthy tissues that favour regenerative healing. Applications of lasers in dentistry include the following procedures. To better understand the benefits of using lasers in dentistry, watch this video about the treatment of periodontitis:
- Gingivectomy – This is where the dentist gently reshapes the gums around your teeth so that the tooth proportions and smile line are even.
- Troughing – While preparing a tooth to receive a crown, a dentist may cut away a thin line of gum tissue to better visualize the margins of your prosthesis.
- Frenectomy – Dentists may perform this treatment where unwanted oral attachments to the lips and tongue may interfere with speech development or function.
- Herpetic lesions (cold sores) – If you feel a cold sore developing, talk to your dentist and he or she may be able to use lasers to prevent a full outbreak.
- Apthous ulcers (canker sores) – These painful mouth blisters can arise unexpectedly and for unknown reasons. Lasers help reduce canker sores before they cause pain.

Intraoral Camera Technology
In keeping with our patient-centred approach to dental care, we strive to provide each patient with as much information to help them understand their oral health. Magnified, high resolution images of your teeth are taken using our state-of-the-art intraoral cameras. The staff are trained on how to best capture the details of your teeth and surrounding tissues so that dentists can project the images on our overhead screens to show patients exactly which areas need improvement.
The intraoral camera technology allows you to see the visible difference before and after your smile transformation. It is our privilege at Mistry Dental to help patients achieve their goals, and there is nothing more rewarding to us than seeing how dental treatment can improve a patient’s overall health and self confidence.