So Can Gum Disease Be Reversed?
The question of whether gum disease is reversible is a tough one. Following the advice above, it is certainly possible to fully clean and disinfect the gums to encourage gum regrowth and hopefully put a stop to the bacteria before it begins to eat away at the actual teeth.
If gingivitis is allowed to progress into the more serious periodontal disease, inflammation will have already breached the gum line and will require a dentist to check on you to understand if your level of gum disease is reversible.
It is vital that you see a dentist, as they will able to fully clean your teeth and remove any tartar that may have built up. If necessary, they will perform a root planing procedure, which will clean the gum tissue beneath the teeth in order to wipe out any bacteria that has been causing the holes in your gums. Without this level of expertise, your symptoms may worsen and cause irreparable damage to your gums and teeth.
In some cases, oral surgery may need to be involved to fold back the gum tissue to provide access for the dentist to deep clean and disinfect the soft tissue. In the worst case scenario, gum disease can be reversed but only through the removal of infected tissue and the grafting of gum lining from another part of the mouth. This procedure is necessary in order to protect the roots of the teeth and reverse the symptoms of the disease – which may well save your teeth. If you are lucky and have taken steps to improving your level of oral hygiene, this step will be necessary.
Your dentist may also recommend visiting a hygienist semi-regularly to ensure that your mouth is clean and any areas that require further work are quickly identified before any further issues appear.
It’s important to point out that there is also a large degree of evidence to suggest nutritionally rich food – including mineral water – will work wonders on reversing the effects of gum disease. Once again, a diet of fruit, vegetables, whole grains and lean meat is vital to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and hygienic mouth. Look out for anything that includes Omega 3, as the fatty acids inside will help reduce inflammation.
So, is gum disease reversible? Yes, but only if you are willing to put the effort in and work with your dentist to improve the quality of your gums – and your health. It is also a point worth underlining that while yes, gum disease can be reversed, it is important to make the steps you have taken to improving your gums and teeth a lifestyle choice, rather than just a simple fix. It is possible that you have a genetic leaning towards gum trouble and should you start smoking and eating poorly, you may find it won’t be so easy to fix the second time round.